Tuesday, July 14, 2009

HELP! My wife can't pass Calculus. She wants a business degree but this is stopping her. What should I do??

She is one class away from her associates degree in business. Then she plans to finish at the University of Central Florida. She has taken calculus twice and gotten a D both times. (She needs a C to transfer). I even paid for a tutor this last time but it didn't seem to help. Valencia Community College only offers one calculus class--and that is ALL she needs to pass. She studies so hard and cries a lot. I just want to help her. should we try again? I wondered if there is a good school that doesn't require calculus. Should she try another program? which one? Please help. I hate seeing her suffer like this.

HELP! My wife can't pass Calculus. She wants a business degree but this is stopping her. What should I do??
UCF requires Calc? Many business majors just need Stats, not Calc. Can she take Stats instead of Calc and have that count?

Contact both UCF and the transfer counsellor at her university. See if Stats can count instead of Calc for her math requirement. Some students who find calc difficult find stats easier, if only because the math seems more practical.

If she needs calc to transfer as a business major to UCF, consider if the following might work:

- Have her apply to UCF to transfer as a major that doesn't require calc. Something related to business, such as Event Management, Health Information Management, Health Services Admin, Public Adminstration, or Food Service Mgmt. Look into those majors, see if they require calc of transfer students. If not, she should consider making the change.

- Have her major in something that isn't business related at all, and which doesn't require calc. Have her do a co-op or internship in a business related field. When she graduates, she can rely on that co-op to help her get her first full time job in business.

She should do the co-op or internship anyway, actually.

I hope one of these suggestions helps.
Reply:You mean, pre-calc, don't you? That's all my undergrad business degree called for (my MBA had no math requirements, oddly, just accounting).

Start over, if she truly needs calculus. You also might consider looking into a program that doesn't require calculus (at another school).

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