Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I hate school and im forced to go to tutoring?

the only reason i like about school is because of my friends and i have good enough grades, but im forced to go to tutoring cus i have only 1 C ...my parents are strict and they think a C is bad when its actually not...i try to tell them that im doing my best in that class and that not everyone is perfect but they still keep forcing me to go and comparing me to my cousin...the reason why dont wanna go to tutoring is because i think idont really need it, i have to be in the same school for another hour, and i dont have time cus i have baseball practices and games at the same time...so right now i dont really know what to do...its either i go tutoring and quit baseball or do both but imma be really stressed out cus imma have to deal with tutoring practice and homework...so what should i do?

I hate school and im forced to go to tutoring?
If the tutoring is in English, I would suggest you go. If not and your English teacher gave you over a C, thats a disaster.
Reply:You should do both. From reading your question you could use the tutoring. Your sentence structure is awful and there is not a period in sight. How could you be doing okay in your other classes if you can't write a simple sentence?The spell check is there for a reason, use it.
Reply:you don't have to hate school. you know if you ask your baseball teacher to do practices on other days and your games to
Reply:...do you have a choice? either way if your parents are passionate about it they're going to make you go to tutoring but your best bet is to sit them down and explain to them how baseball is an important recrational activity on college applications and if you're forced to spend this much time focusing on this specific subject it has potential to mess with your other grades. You just have to tell them that they're asking to much and try to make a comprimise saying that if you don't bring the grade up by next semester you will go to tutoring.

Good luck.
Reply:just dont go to tutoring
Reply:Think about your future. Would you like a factory more than school?
Reply:You will be grateful to your parents if you go
Reply:You should re-evaluate what school means to you. I'm 56 years old and have worked in construction for the last 30. I *was* young at one time, and also did not like school. Looking back on it, going to school would have been a much better thing to do. I'm smart %26amp; could have done well. Learning can be enjoyable, if you look at it the right (not in a hurry) way. Using your brain rather than your muscles to make a living (which you will have to do at some point) is way way better.

Getting older is like a trip into outer space. You don't know what's in front of you, but others that have already been on that path can see it clearly. There is no way for you, in the place you are now, to appreciate the differences in the quality of life you will have in the future - as an educated person vs. a not-educated person.

Sorry for sounding like an old fart, but that's what I am. I have sore knees, a sore back, rotator cuff injuries, etc etc.

I wish you could see it from my standpoint; you would surely sing a different tune.
Reply:what subject did you get C in
Reply:Sit your parents down and tell them how stressed out they're making you feel and how they are making you give up what you want for what they want..And maybe emphasize that every individual have the right to freedom of choice..Ultimately, its your life, do they want to tell you what to eat too?
Reply:School is only a small part of your life. But it is where you will learn many essential skill that you will need later.

I hated school, didn't want to study or get tutoring and so i got average grades. I know I could have done better if I had just focused and battled through it even though I didn't like it and didn't want to. It would have been easier to get into uni and easier when I went to work(especially maths). I still don't my times tables,I can't spell very well and struggle with grammar.

Think about why your parents are so fussy about your schooling. They have been there and done that and know just how important it is. They were young once too. Baseball would probably not be my top priority. Think it through.

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